School art project

Great projects for
father's day,
mother's day, Easter
& other occasions
Set an achievable timetable: Work back from our return deadline to allow time for completion of the artwork and for all orders to be placed prior to collection or drop off.
Is artwork to be completed in school or as a homework activity? This is up to you as the organiser on how you want to get your artwork completed either in school or as homework project.
Make teachers aware of the Artwork Guidelines: These are available on our website in the Admin Guide and on the Pupil Order Form.
Collect orders: Send the Pupil Order Forms with attached artwork home for parents to place orders online. All orders to be placed online prior to artwork being returned or collected.
Promote awareness of your fundraiser: We have several resources available on the orgainser portal including a poster and social media advertising tool.
Multiple orders? Both parents can order using the same unique code. You may wish to make a note of the code and hand out to the other party.
Collating artwork ready for collection: Place any artwork with orders in the large class envelopes sent in your organiser’s pack. Simply package these up in the bag provided and either affix the returns label ready for you to drop off at any UK Post Office or for courier collection have this available to collect from 8.30am.
Organise your collection: As soon as you are ready, please call the office on 0800 043 2273 to either arrange a collection or we can send you a free returns label to drop at any UK Post office.

Products Available:
- 1 x A5 card and envelope
- Pupils’ designs are printed on the front of each card and their name as the designer is printed on the back (optional)
- The packs are professionally packaged in clear cellophane wraps
- Wide range of inside greetings (or leave blank) or create a custom message
- Parent Price: £1.50
- A 10oz Durham Mug
- Pupils designs are printed on both sides,
with a wide range of background choices
- Custom wording available & pupils names printed next to handle
- Parent Price £6.95
Spiral Bound Books
- A5 spiral bound books
- Pupils’ designs are printed on to the front with lined paper on the inside
- Landscape or portrait
- Parent Price £6.75
Mug Backgrounds