This is where you can order and pay online for your bespoke goods using your artwork form.
Parents who have previously ordered using an online account please use the account you have already created for re-orders.
Parents who previously ordered using a form, you will need to create a shopping account using your child's artwork code located on the products you've received.
Artwork Codes are found:
Mugs (box)
Wrapping Paper

Once you have your unique code for each child's artwork that you want to order products from, then create an account in our shop.
As of the 23rd of November we will have processed all of our participating schools therefore we will no longer be able to accept new artwork orders where products are returned to your school.
If you would still like to participate you can place a LATE ORDER which will incur a P&P fee so that your order can be returned to your home address.
Our Shop will also be open for REORDERS & NEW ORDERS from artwork already submitted once we have fulfilled your initial order.
Last orders: 14th of December for delivery in time for Christmas. Any orders placed after this date will be dispatched in the new year.